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 Products For Poultry
Natural Non-antibiotic IN-FARM Range of Products
Potent Liver Tonic with Power of Silymarin and MSM
LIVOBiEN Contains - Ecliptaalba, Phyllanthusamarus, Terminaliachebula, Boerhaaviadiffusa, Tricholine Citrate, Methionine, Silymarin, Sorbitol, MSM, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Biotin
  • Revitalize liver health and improves anti-oxidation capacity
  • Improves FCR, Decreases chances of fatty liver and big liver disease
  • Maintain Internal structure of liver
  • Improves overall function of liver
  • Prevention of liver damage from mycotoxins and reduces perosis
  • Minimized liver damage due to pathogens like bacteria , virus, fungi and to overcome hypertrophy of liver
1 Litre & 5 Litre
Dosage and Administration
For 100 Birds
Broilers : 10-15 ml
Growers : 15-20 ml
Layers : 10-15 ml
Breeders : 20-30 ml
Cattle : 40-50 ml per animal per day
Sheep/Goat : 15-20 ml per animal per day
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 9883 078810 | 7003 218193